Augmented Reality (AR)

Engage your audience with AR

A compelling AR experience can go a long way to promote your brand, product or campaign. Explore everything from product try-on’s to engaging games when considering how to use this powerful tool to meet your business goals.

Social AR

Tap into a built-in audience with engaging AR experiences through social media platforms like Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram.

Example: An interactive AR scavenger hunt on Snapchat to promote a new crime show

E-Commerce AR

With AR, customers can now try on new sneakers, test out new watches, and even see furniture to scale in their own living rooms without ever leaving the house.

Examples: Warby Parker glasses try-on, Amazon Salon hair consultations

Native AR Apps

Native AR apps for iOS and Android can utilize robust native hardware on devices to provide higher performance, higher file sizes, and a smoother and higher resolution experience.

Examples: Pokémon GO, Museum Alive, Ikea Place

Learn more about Augmented Reality (AR)

What is AR ?
AR is an enhanced version of the real physical world that is achieved through the use of digital visual elements, sound, or other sensory stimuli delivered via technology.
Why choose AR ?
AR provides a more rich and immersive user experience than other mediums. It’s widely accessible on mobile devices, highly social, and inherently more personal, utilizing the user’s unique environement.

Some of our thoughts on AR...