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Immersive Technology: Reshaping the Future of Finance and Fintech

Fishermen Labs
Business  |  Finance
Guy navigating with Apple Vision Pro

The Financial Industry or Fintech, is an ever-evolving landscape driven by technological innovation. Among the most disruptive and exciting technologies on the horizon for this space is extended reality (XR), which includes augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR). These technologies are poised to transform the way we interact with our finances, gather insights, offering a multitude of benefits for both businesses and consumers.

“Being the first to embrace these changes creates opportunities to capture additional market segments.” (Forbes)

What is Immersive Technology?

Augmented reality superimposes digital elements onto the real world through devices like mobile phones, tablets, or specialized headsets (e.g., Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest 3). Think of it as adding a layer of useful information or interactive graphics to your everyday surroundings. Virtual reality, on the other hand, creates a completely simulated digital environment, immersing the user in an alternate world.

Benefits for Fintech

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: “VR has the ability to improve consumer experiences, ease remote collaboration, and improve financial training and simulations in the fintech industry.” (Finance Magnates) “Transforming mundane transactions into captivating experiences… AR allows users to simply point their devices at a product, triggering a secure and efficient payment process…” 
  • Financial Education and Accessibility: Immersive technologies can bridge the financial literacy gap. “In this evolving [e-commerce] landscape, 73% of retail consumers navigate through multiple platforms, integrating both online and offline experiences,” highlights the importance of immersive technologies in bridging the gap. (The Business Magazine) Moreover, AR and VR can make financial education more interactive and engaging. (Forbes).
  • Improved Remote Collaboration: VR allows for the creation of virtual meeting spaces where financial advisors and clients based in different locations can collaborate and make decisions together. This offers greater flexibility and access to financial services regardless of location (Forbes). Spatial computing platforms like Apple Vision Pro are already starting to prove out new and unique ways of working together with others across locations and bringing data, information, and visualizations to the conversation.
  • Risk Management and Training: Immersive technologies offer unique possibilities for risk management and employee training in the financial sector. VR simulations can place employees in realistic market scenarios, fostering better risk assessment and decision-making skills (Forbes).
  • The Rise of Payments in Immersive Environments: “The bigger opportunity though lies in the way these technologies might change the way we think about shopping and payments within them.” (Paysafe via Fintech Magazine) Secure payment options are vital to the future of e-commerce within immersive platforms.

Beyond the Present – Immersive Tech’s Future in Finance

Forget the buzzwords – the next fintech revolution is about experience. Immersive technologies like AR and VR are about to upgrade finance from a heap of spreadsheets to something we interact with and understand intuitively.

Imagine your bank balance as a virtual landscape, or stepping into a global investment marketplace teeming with opportunity. Sounds wild? It’s closer than you think. The key is personalization and problem-solving. Forget gimmicks – focus on making transactions smoother with AR, or turning complex financial concepts into VR simulations you can learn by doing.

Adoption won’t happen overnight. Companies need to prove the value, and consumers need to understand the benefits. But make no mistake: immersive tech is the bridge between legacy banking and a financial world that’s accessible, engaging, and even dare we say, a little bit fun.

The time to experiment is now.

The Challenge of Adoption (and How to Get Started)

Widespread adoption remains the largest hurdle for immersive technology in the fintech sector. Here’s how businesses and individuals can begin exploring this space:

  • Start Small: Experiment with basic AR experiences using smartphones or tablets.
  • Pilot Projects: Consider focused VR training simulations or AR-enhanced customer interactions. Focus on an MVP (Minimum Viable Product).
  • Partnering: Collaborate with providers that specialize in building immersive experiences aligned to your vision
  • Security Focus: Prioritize security and data protection from the outset.

The potential benefits make it a compelling space for continuous development. By taking a measured and strategic approach, the financial sector can overcome adoption challenges and harness the power of immersive technologies.

As immersive technologies mature, it’s clear they’ll have a profound impact on how we understand and manage our finances. The future of fintech is bright, and undoubtedly, much of its landscape will be painted in augmented and virtual realities.

If your company is looking to leverage XR (extended reality) solutions to enable your business or activate your products & brand in an innovative and experiential way, please contact us to see how we can help you!
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